The Story Teller

Yolanda Wisher, a graduate of Temple's graduate program in creative writing, was named the third poet laureate in the history of Philadelphia by Mayor Kenney during a ceremony at City Hall.

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The Scientist

Students in psychology and neuroscience take advantage of their department's emphasis on undergraduate research and real world experience.

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The PLanner

Philadelphia is a city of neighborhoods. And Christopher Wink’s commute to work — a 45-minute bike ride from his home in Fishtown to his office in University City — takes him through a cross section of the city’s communities every day.

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The Globetrotter

Not only can Eamonn Connor ’12 disarm a bomb and identify the stages of rigor mortis, he can also describe the influences of Greek and Roman civilizations in everyday life. We caught up with Connor to discuss his unique background and how he connected his life experiences through an education in the classics.

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The Data Analyst

What do Pizza, Sawdust, and Thai Iced Tea have in common? They’re all flavors of Little Baby’s Ice Cream (LBIC), a company founded by geography and urban studies alumnus Pete Angevine ’08.

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The World Changer

While backpacking through South America on his last spring break as a Temple University student, Taylor Ray found himself hungry and alone in a rough neighborhood in Cartagena, Columbia. He wanted food, but he got something much more fulfilling. 

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