Oh, to be an incoming transfer student again! I was in your position a mere three years ago, ready to escape from the humdrum of suburbia and experience the bustle of city living and a new academic environment. As a fresh alumna (which still feels freaky to say) and former transfer student, allow me to share some tips and thoughts that will hopefully stick with you as your time here takes off.


Don’t stress about being “late” to Temple compared to your classmates. 

I transferred to Temple as a junior with past tense FOMO—fear of what I’d missed out on (FOWIMOO) the previous two years. Visions of my fellow juniors with their already-established and at-capacity friendship/study circles crept into my reveries. The reality? Your story starts with your time at Temple. And “friendship capacity” is a concept invented by the nervous brain. Step out of your comfort zone! The closest friend I made at Temple is a girl who turned around in class, shook my hand and introduced herself unprompted. A simple gesture can open great doors!

Get involved on campus sooner rather than later. 

There’s always a reason not to attend a meeting for that club or group you’re interested in—you’re tired after a long week, wanting to study for an exam or nervous about not knowing anyone. Perhaps you tell yourself, “I’ll just go next week”. The truth is, you’ll likely be tired next week, too. And homework assignments will continue. So, schedule extra time somewhere else to get the work done, channel your preferred caffeine source and head to that meeting!

Find your on-campus comfort space.

For me, this was a big step toward making campus feel more like home. It should be a spot where you feel equally comfortable getting work done after classes and wolfing down a bagel in the 2.5 minutes before your next class. (FYI, Ali’s Middle Eastern makes a quick, mean egg and cheese bagel sandwich.) There are plenty of academic buildings to explore and study spots to be found on campus if you keep your eyes peeled!

Connect with Academic Advising ASAP to clarify your academic plan.

For us transfers, understanding which credits successfully transferred and which classes we still need to take vs. the ones we don’t can be tricky, to put it lightly. Trying to make sense of it solo can quickly grow overwhelming. Make it a point to connect with Academic Advising early on to establish your academic timeline! Establishing a plan with an advisor will give you an understanding of your remaining degree requirements and what to expect as well as some peace of mind. 

Start thinking about an internship yesterday.

Your time here will go by like *snaps fingers* that. Trust me. Before it does, make sure you get in at least one internship. Employers want to see real-world experience on your resume in addition to your degree. And internships aren’t just resume boosts! They open doors to professional connections, jobs, friends and so much more. Even if you aren’t sure what you want career-wise, it’s NEVER too early to start fleshing out your thoughts, questions and ideas with CLA’s Joyce K. Salzberg Center for Professional Development. Seize the day!

Meg Kiernan graduated from CLA in 2020 with her B.A. in English and currently holds the position of content manager for CLA Marketing & Communications. Ask her a question or say hi! meghan@temple.edu