Are you an incoming freshman? Don’t miss Jarryd Kainz’s, CLA ’20, six quick tips for helping you enjoy a safe, fun and successful four years of college.
By: Jarryd Kainz
Congratulations on being accepted to Temple University’s College of Liberal Arts! You’re about to have some of the best times of your life, but you’re also going to have to work harder than you ever have before. From your fun first two weeks on campus to your stressful finals weeks, you'll experience plenty of ups and downs in college. Luckily, lots of students—like me!—have already gone through what you're about to experience, and I have a few pieces of advice for you I wish I had been given before starting my Temple journey.
1. Shop around for student clubs and organizations
There are over 360 clubs and student organizations at Temple including clubs based around majors (such as the Political Science Society and the Criminal Justice Society) and clubs based on interests (such as the Ski and Snowboarding Club and the Community Garden). If you’re looking to explore some interests or hobbies outside of class, this is a great way to get involved and, at the very least, make some new friends. Don’t forget that if you don’t see any clubs you’re interested in, you can always start your own!
2. Take advantage of office hours
You will probably hear this (if you haven’t already) a thousand times when you get to Temple, but take advantage of your professors’ office hours! You don’t want to be the student whom the professor still doesn’t recognize by the end of the semester. Seeing your professors during office hours is not only a great way to make sure you’re getting the most out of your classes, but many of my professors connected me with opportunities at Temple to explore my interests and even internships in the city. Your professors are a great resource—use them!
3. Meet with a Professional Development advisor
One of the most valuable resources offered by the College of Liberal Arts is the Joyce K. Salzberg Center for Professional Development. CLA’s Professional Development advisors are the people you’ll go to when you want someone to look over your resume; help you strengthen your interview skills; and help you find internships and other job opportunities that are relevant to your interests. As a CLA student, you’ll have to take CLA 1002: Professional Development for Liberal Arts Majors, which is taught by our Professional Development advisors and covers many of the things I just mentioned and more. You should definitely take that course in your first year at Temple—I wish I had!
4. Take advantage of the Student Success Center
The Student Success Center can assist you with essays and any other written assignments. Tutors can coach you on MLA or APA format, help you formulate a thesis, organize your ideas and check your grammar. The Student Success Center also has conversational partners for international students to practice English-speaking skills and improve their fluency.
5. Talk to an academic advisor once a semester
Want to know how to make sure you graduate on time? Speak with an academic advisor every semester. Not only are the advisors great at helping you build your schedule, but they’re also great at connecting you with other resources and programs on campus to ensure you’re making the most of your time at Temple. Also, if you’re thinking about studying abroad, you should let your advisor know early on! They’ll help you organize your schedule to incorporate time for studying abroad.
6. Relax!
You cannot enjoy your college experience if you don’t take care of yourself. Need a break from studying? Take a break. Exhausted from stressful work and priorities? Relax. You need to take care of yourself in order to succeed. You’ll have many chances to improve your grades and achieve career goals, but you only have one bill of health. Regardless of what transpires over these next four years, believe in yourself, work towards your goals and remember to have fun while you’re here! Welcome to Temple’s College of Liberal Arts! You’re officially an Owl.
Jarryd Kainz is a 2020 graduate of the College of Liberal Arts. He currently resides in Philadelphia, PA.